Firmware: select generator model

Changelog for Live-Sinus 5

1) In the ENGINEERING mode, the buttons on the generator panel did not work (control was possible only through an external program).

2) Added a command to control the «Fibonacci AM + FM» mode for the current session (without writing to the non-volatile EEPROM of the microcontroller).

Список изменений для генератора Live-Sinus 6

1. Visual and sound indication of the 20-minute pauses between sessions in the bioresonance antiparasitic mode were added (when this option is activated in the generator settings).
2. The algorithm for turning on/off and general resetting the generator settings using the «Power» button has been optimized.

1) Fixed a bug: saving the waveform (when changing it) from the bioresonance zepper mode to the mode of operation with Mishin coils.

2) In the ENGINEERING mode, the buttons on the generator panel did not work (control was possible only through an external program).

3) Added a command to control the «Fibonacci AM + FM» mode for the current session (without writing to the non-volatile memory of the microcontroller).

4) Disabled indication «Fibonacci AM + FM» on the generator panel in AUTO mode (in which no modulations work in principle).

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